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BSL Level 1

BSL Level 1

This is the level for BSL starters. Level 1 is designed to enable BSL beginners to communicate with Deaf people in BSL. The course equips the learner with knowledge on simple everyday BSL usage, BSL structure and how to interact with the deaf community. The course is ideal for anyone who wants to get into BSL.



There are 3 units in this course. The student is required to pass all 3, after which a certificate of completion (signature qualification) is awarded.

  • Unit 1 (BSL 101- Introduction to BSL): Subtopics include meeting people, numbers and counting, weather, transport and directions.

  • Unit 2 (BSL 102- Conversational BSL): Subtopics include describing home, people, animals and objects, using numbers, interests and activities.

  • Unit 3 (BSL 103- BSL at School, College or Work): Subtopics include getting around, exchanging information, refreshments, and using numbers.



Assessments are done by an assessor from Signature. Assessments take place during normal lesson times. Assessment fees are included in the fees.

Assessment for BSL level 1 will be in a recorded one-to-one conversation in BSL.


Your Progress

Completion of the BSL level 1 course paves the way for the learner to enrol on the BSL Level 2.


Sessions; 22 weeks

Venue: Online 

Prices inclusive of: Course Fees: £585 (includes deposit, admin and assessment fee of £99 for all three Signature exams).


DMCS reserves the right not to register students for the assessment if we feel that their skills are below the standard required to achieve the qualification.

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